

    Hi everyone!

    Lately we have been doing lots of activities related to FOOD. For instance, we have been playing many different games including one of the healthiest foods we bring everyday to school: fruits! 



    In addition, by using the following four songs we have learnt how to show our preferences on food:

    - Do you like...?

    - Yes, I do!/ No, I don't! ❌ 


Do you like broccoli ice cream?

Do you like spaghetti yogurt?

Do you like pickle pudding?

Do you like lasagna milkshakes?


Phonics /T/ /t/

Good evening!! 😀

This is the third phonic that we have learned this school year. The /T/ sound.

These are some of the vocabulary words that we have worked in the class:


Phonics /A/ /a/

Good evening! Here comes the second phonetic sound that we have learned. The sound /A/.

These are some of the vocabulary words:


Phonics /S/ /s/

Hello everyone! This is the first phonic that we have learned during this school year. The letter sound /S/. 😊

We have also learned some vocabulary with the "S" sound.


 Hello everyone!

We play lots of funny games with balloonschairs, plastic cupsstraws...

Do you want to watch it?

And we love these two songs!

Phonics /P/ /p/

Hi everyone! We've also learnt the  /p/  sound. P  is for...  PURPLE  or  PINK !